Friday, June 12, 2020

Does Tribalism Matter?

The purpose of this blog is to add some color to the Shabbat table... Please print and share...

sneetchesThe idea of judging someone by their skin color, consciously or subconsciously, is so wrong that it would be comic if it were not so tragic.

This is obvious to anyone immersed in Torah (or Dr. Seuss).

Therefore, the struggle against racism suggests the following philosophical (theological?) question for your table:

Why would God make a world of races (i.e., groups of people who look so different from one another)?

I actually wrote about this topic about eight years ago in this space (which got me flagged by google as an offensive site and ineligible for their Google Ads program).

Here's what I wrote (with a few revisions):

You may have heard of Michele Norris, former host of NPR's "All things Considered" (currently writing for the Washington Post). As you can see from this image, she is a black woman.... ? Well, that's how I heard her describe herself once. But she looks whiter than I do.

Norris was for a time a major talking-head on the subject of race. Commenting on the Trayvon Martin shooting, she said:

"I've learned that all over the world, they may not call it racism, maybe it's bias, maybe it's tribalism."

My first question for your table: Do you agree with Norris? Is tribalism the same as racism?

It's a broad question, and maybe it will help to ask a more personal question.

Personal question 1 - What does the phrase "being Jewish" mean to you?

Some might say that being Jewish means that you are always a potential target for someone.

Not a random target; a premeditated, cold-blooded target.

For instance, when Norris said that, one of the current events that she was presumably aware of was the March, 2012 assassination in Toulouse (here is a photo of 3 of the victims with their now-widowed wife/mother).

Others may say that being Jewish means reaching out to anyone in need.

Norris has an online project cleverly called "The Race Card" - the idea is to invite the public to submit 6-word statements about race. Here's the link.

Personal question 2: What 6 words would you submit?

Here are mine:

Racism is false, but tribalism true.

OK, back to our original question: Is tribalism the same as racism?

Shabbat Shalom.
PS - Yes, the image above is always clickable.

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1 comment:

micha berger said...

I thought the reason for division into multiple peoples is so that if one culture takes a wrong turn, eventually other cultures will influence it and save it. Otherwise, we could end up back at the Tower of Babel and no one would be there to correct things.

Once tribes exist, having a drive to further your tribe, to progress spiritually and in physical welfare, is for the betterment of its people.

Racism is the converse, not the contrapositive. "We're great in our way" isn't the same thing as "you're inferior in yours". Rather, Hashem wants us to fit back together in a glorious mosaic, or as Aleinu puts it, "And we will all come together in a single confederation, to do Your Will wholeheartedly".