Friday, February 28, 2020

Overheard This Week

The purpose of this blog is to cultivate a new taste at the Shabbat table... Please share...

temptationThis week I stumbled upon a New York Jewish radio show hosted by a psychotherapist. A caller said:

"I’m overeating, I’m trying to figure out what triggers it, I’m super motivated, but then it never lasts more than a day, or tops a week. Even though I’m so motivated, when the food’s in front of me, I can’t control myself."

First question for your table: What do you think he said to her?

In a nutshell, after quite a bit of back-and-forth, he told her, "If you're of healthy weight, don't worry about it. It's normal to overeat sometimes, and then diet a bit, and don't stress about it, it's normal."

It seems to me he missed an opportunity here.

He basically heard the young woman say, "
I am obsessive about my body and weight” and so responded, “Don’t worry about it, you’re fine."

What I heard the young woman say was: 
“I am sometimes guilty of achila gasa (gluttonous eating) and I’m looking for tools to conquer this.” To which he responded, “Achila gasa is normal so don’t worry about it.”

He's right: achila gasa is normal. But does that mean we shouldn't try to conquer it? Does that mean we shouldn't try to eat more mindfully, and not stuff ourselves?

Question for your table: What would you have said to her?

Shabbat Shalom

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

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