Friday, February 07, 2020

If You Ain't Got . . .

The purpose of this email is to add somethin' to the Shabbat table... Please share...

DouglasToday: a grandfather story and a Kirk Douglas story, sandwiched between two questions for your table.

Question: How would you complete the following sentence?

"If you ain't got _________, then you ain't got nothin'."

I first heard (a version of ) that phrase from my grandfather of blessed memory.

He told me, "Take care of your health. Because if you don't have your health, you don't have nothin'."

A few years later, I saw a video of the actor Kirk Douglas (né Issur Danielovitch), who was just a few years younger than my grandfather.

Douglas started reconnecting with his Torah heritage after surviving a helicopter crash in 1991.

In the video, he said, "Learn Torah! Because if you ain't got Torah, you ain't got nothin'."

2nd question for the table: Why do so many people wait until they get sick or near-death to start taking care of their health 
or their spirit?  

Shabbat Shalom

PS - As always, the above pic is clickable...

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