Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Rosh Hashanah 5785 - What Will Be?

Shabbat Table Talk from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
Oct 2-5, 2024 • 1-3 Tishrei 5785 • Rosh Hashana and Haazinu (Deut 32-34).

Any Libras reading this?

It's that time of year again - 
the Scales of Rosh Hashanah.

hich way are they going to tip, toward Blessing or toward Curse? (As Bibi said last Friday)

As you prep for the new year, here are some recent JSLI outputs that you may enjoy:

1. A new interview of yours, truly that went live this week by the "Fully In Balance" nutrition coach, Dalia Brunschwig.

2. A class I gave last week: Southern California version and Northern California edition.

(There is an online printable adaptation of the class on my Times of Israel blog.)

3. Our updated "Rosh Hashana - Yom Kippur Worksheet and Meditations" (send an email to info [at] to receive).

May you and yours, and Am Yisroel, and the entire world be written and sealed in the Book of life, peace, good health, happiness, holiness, and wisdom,


Shabbat Shalom

PS - This week's Table Talk also appears online at

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