Friday, September 15, 2023

When Is the First Not First?

Table Talk from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
September 15-17, 2023 • 1-2 Tishrei 5784 • Rosh Hashanah (Gen 21-22). 
The purpose of this email is to put first things first!...please share.

Here it is - your final Table Talk of the year.

What a year it has been. So much accomplished, yet so much remaining to be done.

Last week you may recall I proposed a new wave to universally sweeten the new year for everyone - a simple New Year's "resolution" that if everyone took it on the world would be a better place.

Today, here's a conundrum to ponder while dipping apples into honey tonight.

Unlike the secular calendar that celebrates "New Year's Day" on the first day of the first month, on the Jewish calendar, our Rosh Hashanah is actually the first day of the .... seventh month.

(Yes, it is counter-intuitive but is accurate. The month that begins tonight - Tishrei - is the seventh month.)

For question for your table: How does that possibly make sense?

(Here's a hint: if Tishrei is the seventh month, which is the first month?)

And even if your answer is, "I don't know," you can tackle this next question: What does that fact tell us about what Rosh Hashana is - or is not?

After everyone at the table contemplates, you may want to share with them the rabbi's answer: It tells us that Rosh Hashanah:

(a) is not a random day on the solar calendar marking another trip around the sun. 

(b) is a day infused with "seven-ness" - completion, worldliness, humanity.

It's a day to re-orient ourselves to our human-mission: Why am I here? Why should I care about the prospect of another year of life?

Use Rosh Hashanah to dream big - to imagine what you could become. That's the most humane of all holidays.

+ + + + +

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Wishing you a 
Shabbat Shalom and a Shana Tova - May you and yours be inscribed in the Book of Life for a healthy, happy, and holy 5784.

Alexander Seinfeld

PS - If you click the top image, you'll receive a RH treat from yours, truly...
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