Friday, December 04, 2020

Arose is Arose is Arose?

The purpose of this blog is to add some color to the Friday night dinner table. Please print and share... In honor of the yahrzeits of Avraham ben Leib and my maternal grandfather Chaim ben Avraham.

Seinfeld Shabbat Roses

I hope you enjoyed last week's Thanksgiving special, "How Do You Hodu?"

In case anyone over-did it, here are some lo-calorie roses for your Shabbat table.

These blooms were cut this morning 
from our own backyard.

November roses are not unheard of in the mid-Atlantic, but December?

Let's say, for the sake of discussion, that we are enjoying these buds due to global warming. 

If so - here's the question for your table - Is it a happy, uplifting ornament, or a sad, ominous one?

What I'm suggesting is a table conversation about the proverbial "silver lining". We could take this to extremes, but whether we're talking about a life-or-death struggle or a small frustration or disappointment, the question is the same: it is possible or even desirable to always find something positive to focus on? Or is it better sometimes to wallow in one's misery?

Shabbat Shalom

And Happy Channuka!

(In case you forgot when the Festival of Lights begins, click here.)

PS - Yes, yes, yes, the image as always is clickable...

PPS - If you are still in "cyber Monday" mode, please note that at no extra cost to you, Amazon will donate a % of your shopping to JSLI and support our mission to transform Jewish education. Just go to Or, if you're feeling even more generous, direct donations may be made via Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, Credit Card, appreciated stock or even a good o'l fashioned paper check -

PPPS - My Torah Health and Fitness Co-author, Dr. Dan Grove, has an update on his COVID blog regarding the new CDC guidelines that you might find helpful. 

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