Friday, August 28, 2020

Do the Eyes Have It?

The purpose of this blog is to add expression to your Shabbat table... Please print and share...
Are you counting the days? 


This week I traveled across the country with a couple kids.

(People wonder: Is it safe to fly? Here's an opinion. In my opinion, the airports and airlines have adjusted appropriately to keep flying as safe as going shopping. And since so many people are afraid to travel, there are no lines anywhere. It's a great time to travel (especially for anyone of robust health))!

The only thing I didn't like about the trip was wearing a mask for for the whole flight. 

At one point, my daughter and I invented a game that you could try on Shabbat with family and friends:

Make an expression with your mouth under the mask while the others try to guess what expression you're making.

You'd think it would be easy to fool people; it's actually quite hard.

Question for your table: What does this game imply about greeting each other behind the mask?

Shabbat Shalom

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