Friday, June 29, 2018

The Ultimate Gadget

The purpose of this blog is to create some bells and whistles around the Shabbat table. Please share.
MachineThis week's lead question for your table is about your fantasies:

What for you would be the ultimate gadget?

Would it be something like this picture on the left, which I have no idea what it was built for but I like to fantasize that you could just pour in the flour, water, tomatoes, olive oil, spices, toppings, and after a few minutes of whirring and purring, out pops a pizza! Would that be cool, or would that be cool?

Or would your ultimate gadget be something magically musical, like the incredible Wintergaten Music Machine?

Last week my family reminded me that it was my birthday and my brother's family presented me with a pen.

Not a fancy gold or silver or mahogany pen mind you.

This is billed as the "Ultimate Geek Pen". Here's a photo. It includes 3 different lamps (can you guess which types?), and a couple other features.

So now I finally know how they see me.

OK, so the obvious follow-up question is, now that you've asked everyone at the table to share their ultimate gadget - why?

Why is a pizza machine better than simply making a pizza?

Why is a swiss army knife better than carrying all those tools separately? After all, you can't possibly get all the tools you need into any one gadget.

Wouldn't a well-stocked workbench be far better than an ultimate gadget?

I'll leave you to ponder that one with your table, and in the meantime wish you

and yours


Shabbat Shalom

PS - If you're traveling with your Ultimate Gadget, remember to pack it in your luggage so it doesn't get confiscated by the TSA....
PPS - If you have binoculars or a simple telescope, and can get away from the city lights, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Neptune are all quite visible. It's fun to see the 4 biggest moons of Jupiter, Saturn's rings, Mars's colors, and the Moon's craters.
PPPS - Please visit our new . . .

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