Friday, February 15, 2013

On Popeners and Closures

The purpose of this blog is to add some zest to your Shabbat meals. Please print and share.


Years ago, pre-internet, ownership of a genuine popener was a sign of true worldliness.

It was one of those souvenirs that when your friends saw it in your kitchen, declared, "I - yes I - have been to Rome!"

And it only would have cost you a couple thousand liras.

Nowadays, you can score one for a score from the comfort of your living room.

(They're rumored to be infalliable. Until they get too old and need to

(But you would presumably prefer one of these or these.)

Get 'em while they're hot....

All this Rome talk reminds me of what my grandfather used to ask me when the subject of keeping kosher came up.

"Haven't you ever heard of the expression, 'when in Rome'???"

(In case it isn't clear, what he meant was, when you're around people who don't keep kosher, why do you insist on eating kosher?)

He probably asked me that, with a glimmer in his eye, a dozen times.

And each time he said it, he heard the same retort:

"Yeah, but look what happened to them!"

(i.e., they're gone and we're still around)

Of course, they're not really gone, they're helping the faithful open beer bottles 'round the world.

Which reminds me....last week's Superbowl blog drew a reader's critique:

It is NOT G-dly "sheleimut" to offer pity and condescension to ANYONE (e.g., lobbing the ball softly up into the air for Shaya and pretending that Shaya actually hit a home-run) -- it's exactly the opposite -- it's INSENSITIVE and DEMEANING and SELF-CENTERED

Glurges such as Shaya’s, although well-intentioned, can potentially damage the self-esteem of persons with disabilities and other challenges who do NOT want any pity or handoutsv — they just want a fair chance to do the best they can to the limits of their innate, G-given talents and abilities; they are PERFECT (exactly as they are) for THEIR G-d-ordained Mission and Purpose in this One Life.

Rather than telling you my response, let me pose the question to you, Dear Reader, and your table:

Is the Shaya story (whether true or not) admirable or objectionable? Right or wrong? Holy or profane?

Shabbat Shalom 

PS - My grandfather always chuckled.

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