Friday, May 03, 2024

Post-Pesach Blues?

Table Talk from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
May 2-3, 2024 • 26 Nissan 5784 • Acharei (Lev 16-18).
The goal of this blog is to lift the blues at the Shabbat table.
Dedicated to Lev Avraham ben Masha Dubba - may he have a speedy convalescence.

Restoring cover
How did it go? Did you become the 5th Child?

As I said in my TorahAnytime class this week, if Passover doesn't change us - even a little - what's the point?

Or any holiday for that matter?

It's super hard not to comment on current events. But I know that you turn to this space for a BOFA (breath of fresh air) from current events.

But "the wise person is one who learns from everyone" (Pirkei Avos 4:1) . . .

So what can we learn from people who seem to love people whom we know to be evil?

Does loving an evil person make you evil, or just confused?

Try asking these questions at your table.

Now here's the zinger - Everyone thinks they're right... but how do we know we're right and they're wrong?

Shabbat Shalom

(Hint - try clicking the pic.)

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aleph wing logo-nobox tight

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