Friday, August 23, 2024

The Case of the Extra Mezuzah

Table Talk for your Shabbat table from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
Aug 23-24, 2024 • 20 Av 5784 • Eikev (Deut 7-11).

On an online Jewish forum this week, someone asked,

My friend gifted me a mezuzah. But I already have one on my door. Any ideas of what I should do with the extra one?

Question for your table: How would you respond to this person?

Here's what I said: How many doorways are in your home (not counting bathrooms)?

There is a myth out there that we only put a mezuzah on the front door. Some have extended this myth to include the back door.

The mitzvah is: "on the doorposts of your house." 

Bedroom doors, kitchen doors, living room doors, walk-in closets, basement steps, every doorway other than bathrooms.

Myth #2 is that the box is the mezuzah. The box is the box, the parchment inside is the mezuzah. The parchment inside is a mini Torah scroll, handwritten by a Scribe with Torah-quality parchment and Torah-quality ink and Torah-quality precise lettering.

Since the scroll is the main thing, I personally prefer either glass or even the waterproof transparent plastic mezuzah cases because I like to see the scroll as I pass by. 

(For a nice set - case and kosher scroll together - click the image above.)

Did you hear about the newlyweds who were gifted an entire set of mezuzah's for their new home? When the husband came home his wife proudly showed him the splendid artisan gift. Then she said, "They came with looked like Hebrew instructions, but since neither of us reads Hebrew, I through them away."

Question for your table: Does it really matter whether there is a mezuzah on just the front door versus on every doorway?

Shabbat Shalom

PS - For a recommendation of where to buy mezuzah scrolls, send me an email.

PPS - Have you seen our new
 incomparable iPhone app ???

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Shabbat Shalom 

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