Friday, August 16, 2024

Et Tu...?

Table Talk for your Shabbat table from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
Aug 16-17, 2024 • 13 Av 5784 • V'eschanan (Deut 3-7).

As a follow-up to our Shakespeare theme a couple weeks ago, here's a quick trivia question for your Shabbat table:

Who said, "Et tu, Brute?"

The answer is, of course, Julius Caesar.

Or, should I say, the Julius Caesar of William Shakespeare's imagination

Or should I say, Julius Caesar as imagined by the author of the eponymous play attributed to William Shakespeare (and if that topic intrigues you, check out this excellent take on it).

OK, we remember from high school English class that it is indeed Julius Caesar saying the only line we remember from the play: "Et tu Brute?" Second question - In what context does he say it?

These are of course his dying words as he is being stabbed by the conspirators.

Third question: What do the words mean?

Answer: "You too, Brutus?"

Fourth question: What's that supposed to mean?

Answer: If, you, my close friend Brutus, are among the conspirators, then I truly have no friends in the world and I might as well die.

Sounds pretty tragic to me.

But in Hebrew, the word Tu has an entirely different meaning.

It means 15 (as in the number).

You may have heard of Tu Bishvat - the 15th of Shevat (month) - our Arbor Day (around late January).

But have you heard of Tu B'Av - the 15th of Av?

That's this coming Sunday.

What's it all about? The diametric opposite of Caesar's death — it's all about brotherly/sisterly love.

It's when maidens and young men used to go out to the fields and try to make matches for marriage.

Sounds a bit like a Shakespearian comedy?

But what made it a time of love was not the match-making.

The more affluent girls would share outfits with the less affluent girls, so that everyone would be looking her best and equally attractive.

Think about it. 

To me, that's something awesome.

Do we have people like that today, who go against their own self-interest to help someone else succeed?

If they're out there, I would love to meet them.

Question for your table: Is that kind of personality a function of parents and education, or a conscious choice?

Shabbat Shalom

PS - For some easy ideas on how to spread the love, click on the pic above.

PPS - Invited to a bar mitzvah but don't know what to bring? Check out our Looking for a daily dose of Jewish wow? Check out our incomparable iPhone app.

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Shabbat Shalom 

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