Friday, August 09, 2024

The App Came Back The Very Next Day...

Table Talk for your Shabbat table from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
Aug 9-10, 2024 • 6 Av 5784 • Devarim (Deut 1-3).

After months of tweaking, yesterday we launched a major update to....

The Amazing Jewish Fact-a-Day Calendar (for iPhone and iPad).

Here's the link (or tap the image):

Among the improvements is a new SHARE button which will send a screenshot to the channel you choose.

What is this app all about?

It's nothing short of the world's coolest Jewish app.

Really? Arguably yes:
  • It will amaze you literally every day (you choose the time!)
  • Guaranteed that you will learn something new, regardless of how educated you are.
  • Daily links to more cool content.
  • Certain facts coordinated with times of the year (for instance, during these days leading up to Tisha B'Av, there are amazing Jewish facts about conflict and Antisemitism). 
  • The only app (out of 2 million) that doesn't work on Shabbat.
Honestly, could a Jewish app be cooler than that?

Is there someone in your life who might enjoy a minute of Jewish amazement? Send them the link! 

Question for your table: What's the most amazing Jewish fact that you ever heard?

(If you send it in, and we include it in the app, we'll credit you and you'll be famous!)

Enjoyed this Table Talk? Vote with your fingers! Like ittweet it,  email it....

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The mission of Jewish Spiritual Literacy, Inc. ( is to foster a paradigm shift in spiritual education to enable every human being to access and enjoy the incredible database of 3,000 years of Jewish wisdom.

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