Friday, July 23, 2021

Et Tu?

The purpose of this blog is to stimulate waxing rhetoric at the Shabbat table. Please print and share.
Last night's moonTonight is the full moon of our 5th lunar month, the month of Av.
This event is called Tu BAv.
The moon symbolizes the Jewish People - the "small luminary" reflecting the "great luminary" (Bereishis/Genesis 1:16).
The moon symbolizes Jewish history - waxing and waning. And even when it looks like we're gone, we always come back. 
It's the pinnacle of the month of the lion, which is Yehudah (Judah) which is the tribe that symbolizes leadership achieved through gratitude and honesty.
(As opposed to leadership achieved through power).
If you're near a beach, you can experience a reminder of that power by seeing a high tide tonight and a low tide tomorrow mid-day.
The moon symbolizes the Jewish woman, who maintains her steady power whether or not she exerts it visibly. 
In fact the highest high tide and lowest low tide are specifically when the moon is invisible. 
The Midrash says that the sun and the moon were once the same size, but then the moon shrank. And that one day the moon will be restored to its original size. 
These are symbolic statements and must be interpreted.
Question for your table: What's your interpretation?

Shabbat Shalom

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