Friday, September 13, 2024

What Matters More?

Shabbat Table Talk from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
Sep 13-14, 2024 • 11 Elul 5784 • Ki Teitzei (Deut 21-25).

Did last week's shofar theme start getting you in the mood? (Do you know how many days until the big day?)

This week, a simple question for your table:

If you had to choose between the following, which would you choose: to suffer excruciating pain for 24 hours, or to suffer a low level of pain for 24 years?

(That's a classic question from the author of Thinking Fast and Slow.)

Here's a twist on it for your table:

What's better: To live a lifetime of strict honesty 100 percent of the time and always have a hard time making ends meet, or to cut some ethical corners but always be in the black?

Before you say what you think is the "right" answer, consider: if you choose the former, you are risking a lifetime of worry, anxiety, and sleepless nights; while the latter person sleeps soundly at night.

Before you answer, think about the impact on your family and community, think about the big picture.

Shabbat Shalom

PS - Yes, of course the image is clickable - need you ask?

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