Friday, June 14, 2024

Summertime, Living Is Holy....?

Table Talk from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
June 14-15, 2024 • 9 Sivan 5784 • Naso (Num 4-7).
The goal of this blog is for a down-to-earth Shabbat table ... please share.

Last week was about the stars. This week, back down to earth.

Here we are with nearly four months until Rosh Hashanah. (Check out our countdown.)

Time to go to sleep, Jewishly speaking?

How can you up your game for the summer?

A couple ideas....

Idea #1 - This morning I received a phone call from someone who saw Body & Soul at someone's home and realized he and his family need it, he wanted to know where to find it. I suggested his local Jewish bookstore. (:-)> 

But obviously you can also get it online

There are 25 chapters - read one a week and that will get you all the way through the High Holidays.

Idea #2 - Shoot me an email and let me pitch to you my new program of Body & Soul "chizuk" groups for family, friends, or co-workers.

Idea #3 - Browse the excellent books for all ages at, another compelling not-for-profit project of yours, truly.
Question for your table - By the end of the summer, what would you rather be able to say:

(a) I relaxed.
(b) I learned something new or became wiser.
(c) Both of the above.
(d) None of the above.

Shabbat Shalom 

(The image above is a famous picture of Rav Moshe Feinstein at a summer camp in the Catskills.)

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