Friday, April 05, 2024

Restoring the Kuzari

Table Talk from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
April 5-6, 2024 • 27 Adar 2 5784 • Shemini (Lev 9-11). 
The goal of this blog is to bring some tradition to the Friday night dinner table.

Continuing last week's theme of thinking and thanking...

A few months ago, I saw a comment online about a new book that "destroys" the Kuzari Argument.

The thesis intrigued me because the Kuzari is arguably the backbone of Judaism.

So I of course bought and read this book and — lo and behold — discovered seven major errors, both factual and logical.

So I decided that his rebuttal needed a rebuttal and wrote my own new book (or booklet) on the Kuzari.

While the impetus was a rebuttal to the rebuttal, the final product is actually a great vehicle for simply teaching the Kuzari Principle. Even if you never read the book I'm rebutting, you (or someone you know) may find it quite interesting.


1. It's short - very quick read.
2. It explains in very clear terms what the Kuzari is and why it matters.
3. It delineates the two different Kuzaris (very few people know that there are actually two).
4. It's available in paperbackhard coverKindle, and Apple Books.

(The paperback version is pocket-size.)

By a happy accident, it is out just in time for Pesach. If you are planning to participate in a Seder this year (in just over 2 weeks!) this may be a meaningful gift for everyone at the table.

What is the Kuzari?

In a nutshell, it's an answer to the following question (which you might try at your Shabbat table):

Did the Pesach/Passover story really happen?

To which we might add: 

Does it matter either way?

Shabbat Shalom

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