Thursday, November 16, 2023

Who's the Show For? (and Who's the Chauffeur)

Table Talk from the desk of Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld
November 17-18, 2023 • 5 Kislev 5784 • Toldos (Gen 25-28). 
The purpose of this email is to elevate the Shabbat table... please forward/print/share.
Happy Birthday shout-out to Moshe W - another year older, another year wiser!

Remember that koala bear last week?

I'm happy to report that this week he has found a new home: the loving arms of a refugee child from southern Israel.

Many of the children and all of their parents asked me thank all the Jews around the world who sent them these gifts of love — 
stuffed animals, toys and activities.

The children were just so purely grateful for the gifts and activities.

The parents told me and are still telling me that the most important part of the gift was the thought behind it - which generated the following reciprocal thought: "There truly are Jewish people far away who care so much for me even though they don't know me."

If you think about it, that's the perfect antidote to, "There are people out there who hate me even though they don't know me."

(I have already emailed most or all who gave onymously (yes I invented that word) their names but obviously couldn't thank anyone who contributed anonymously, of which there were many.)

To everyone, it has been a honor to be your messenger to these wonderful sweet, gentle families. Not only were the toys and games all used, so were the extra funds that you sent, in order to supplement as needed.

Most of the toys and games have indeed been given to refugees in this hotel. The small surplus from this week are going to be distributed at other hotels housing refugees.

Some of you have asked me about the prospects for they themselves coming on a solidarity trip. Yes, come. With or without a specific agenda. Just being here and interacting with people, spending some money - these are huge gestures of solidarity. 

Or don't come, but keep up the vociferous action and towards your local and national governments. These are also huge statements of solidarity.

The Washington rally is an obvious example...

Or is it not?

Here's a question for your table: Who was the most important audience of the Washington rally - the US Government, Israelis, or ourselves?

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem,

Alexander Seinfeld

PS - I'm continuing to post short updates on Instagram.

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