Friday, June 10, 2022

Digging Deeper...

The purpose of this blog is to uncover treasures at the Shabbat table....please share....
In memory of my dear grandmother Gigi (Sima bas Mordechai Yaakov), whose yahrzeit is tonight.

Digging Deeper...

ShovelAs a counterpoint to last week's message about the stars, this week we're going down to earth. 

Or even deeper.

We are having some work done on our house that required a crew to come dig some holes next to the foundation.

Three men, three shovels, three holes. Dense Baltimore clay. Warm day.

I wanted to offer them cold drinks but they came prepared with a cooler of their favorite. So what could I offer them?

I went out when they arrived and greeted them. I went back an hour later and asked them, "Did you find any treasure? Any silver or gold?" 

They were amused by that and smiled.

I went out a few more times and complimented them on their work. I was happy to see that they were using our lawn chairs during their lunch break.

At the end of the day I asked again, "No gold or silver?" They all shook their heads with a smile and said, "Nada." They seemed to enjoy that lightheartedness. (I figured, I may not ever see them again, but they're working for me, I need to show them some hospitality.)

Before they left, they told me they'd return today at 7:30 am. But guess what? They didn't show up.

Was it something I said?

Question for your table: Some people feel that a boss needs to be tough, others say that the main thing is to be friendly. What do you say?

Shabbat Shalom

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