Friday, September 24, 2021

In the Potter's Hands?

The purpose of this blog is to add some shape and texture to the Shabbat table.... Please print and share.

wet clay
Thanks to all those who responded to last week's challenge, "The Song Remains the Same?"

This morning we took the kids on a Sukkot stroll down "the Avenue". We were there before the opening time for many of the shops, but one that welcomed us was Wild Yam Pottery

Master potter Nancy Brady greeted us with muddy hands from behind her wheel.

Watching a master potter gives that same pleasure of watching a master at any craft - be it basketball, slicing meat, or playing piano. 

They just make it look so easy.

She picks up a lump of wet clay about twice the size of her fist, slaps it down on the wheel, and in what seems like a few seconds, that lump has become a perfect bowl.

Now, Nancy has been at it for over forty years.

What about you and I?

So I'd like to expand last week's challenge from music to any art form, with a couple questions for your table:

1. What display of mastery is your favorite to watch?
2. Is it possible for anyone to master something, given enough time?
3. If you had enough time, what would you want to master?

Happy Sukkot and
Shabbat Shalom
PS - Yes, the image is of course clickable.

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