Friday, August 13, 2021

Birth of a Nation?

The purpose of this blog is to turn Shabbat into a legacy. Please print and share.
Mazal tov to our daughter and son-in-law on the birth of a healthy baby girl and to my dear wife and yours, truly on our promotion to Bubbe and Zayde.

rosebudThe birth of our granddaughter last Friday was too late to get it into my email.

It's unintended coincidence with last week's story, Long Island Railroad (thanks by the way for all of the positive feedback on that), has given me pause.

In my opinion, the tragic back-story there was about the total loss of a legacy in the world - and then redemption. Isn't that ultimately what we all want - to leave a legacy?

When you have a child, you have anxiety. How will this child turn out?

Even when the child turns into a well-adjusted healthy adult, until they settle down and start their own family, there's that lingering anxiety.

Obviously, the birth of a grandchild isn't a guarantee of anything. But it's definitely comforting to that subconscious worry, "Will I leave a legacy?"

Question for your table: You - yes you, dear reader - you are somebody's grandchild. What are you going to do with your life that will be your grandparents' legacy?

Our granddaughter was named last Shabbat: דבורה אסתר (Devorah Esther). May she grow up healthy, wise, kind, and holy, and become a light to the Jewish People and to the world.

Shabbat Shalom

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