Friday, March 12, 2021

What's the #1 Question?

The purpose of this blog is stir some visions at the Shabbat table. Please print and share...
Wishing Devorah bat Chava and Devorah bas Tikva a speedy and complete recovery.
Do you know how many days until Passover?


The purpose of this email is to pause for 24 hours and stop worrying about the future. Please print and share...


This week one of my oldest parlor tricks failed.

Here's the trick:

When I meet a new Jewish person who doesn't know me and my modus operandi, I ask them, "Do you have a #1 burning Jewish question you've always wanted the answer to?"

Before they can answer, I say, "Wait, don't answer yet."

I then take a pad of paper and say, "I'm going to write down your question before you say it."

I proceed to scribble on the paper, put it down, and then ask them to state their question. 

It's always - until this week - a variation of the same question.

This week, my trick failed with a Jewish couple. Neither of them said what I had written on the paper.

This anecdote leads to four questions for your table:

1. What do you think I wrote on the paper?
2. What would you guess they asked instead (each asked something different)?
3. How would you guess I responded to their questions not matching what I'd written?
4. What would you have said if I had asked you for your #1 burning Jewish question?

Shabbat Shalom

PS - Do you know how many days until Pesach?
PPS - Click on the image for Pesach help.
PPPS - If you want my 2021 Pesach Seder gimmicks-gadgets-and-gifts list, send me an email.

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