Friday, December 28, 2007

Behind the Scenes

Dedicated to the loving memory of Bert Walker, whose Yarzeit falls this month. He was a man of the highest moral character, fearless, lived his life according to the motto that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and above all, devoted himself to his family.

For the first time in two years of sending these Table Talks, I would like to invite you to a behind-the-scenes look at what Jewish Spiritual Literacy is doing.

In addition to spending my Friday morning conjuring up “great”, “thought-provoking” “ really nice”, “enjoyable”, “beautiful and touching” stories and questions [actual reader comments] for your spiritual nourishment, I spend the rest of the week bringing Art-of-Amazement type of Judaism to individuals and groups around the country.

Some pay their way and others – notably college students – don’t have the funds to cover our costs. We also train teachers both live and via our website,, to teach the Art-of-Amazement style Judaism. AND we give away thousands of books every year. Technically, we sell them at a loss, otherwise they don’t have a budget for them. You should see the kind of feedback we’re getting from readers! We are enabling teachers to inspire their students of all ages and parents to transmit a Judaism that works.

By reading this weekly blog, you are part of a national effort to uncover and promote this kind of engaging, down-to-earth, spiritual Judaism.

To close out 2007, I would like to ask you to become my partner in this national effort for 25¢ per week.

There’s your question of the week: Is the thought-provoking Table Talk worth a quarter to you?

If so, please use the info below to send in your 2-bits. But if you want, I’ll offer you something on top of partnership just to sweeten the relationship. 25¢ a week comes to 13 bucks a year. If you are willing to double that – 50¢ a week or $26 for the year, I’ll send you a thank you gift that I know you’re going to enjoy. I’ll send you an audio CD of a new class that premiered this week: A Jewish View of the Messianic Age. The audience feedback was tremendous.

I appreciate your occasional feedback (both enthusiastic and critical) and generosity. But whether or not this is a good time for you, please help me by completing a one-minute anonymous on-line survey about the Table Talk blog. All those who complete the survey will receive an additional free gift. Here’s the link to the survey. (note – survey site will be down for maintenance Friday night)

Please send your tax-deductible donation to:

Jewish Spiritual Literacy, Inc.
3700 Menlo Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215-3620
A 501(c)3 organization.


If there is an honoree or dedication, please let me know. All gifts will be gratefully acknowledged.

Shabbat Shalom

PS – want to give without spending a dime? This video will show you how to support your favorite non-profit just by searching the web:

Or go straight to their site:

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